13 Tips to Cure the Winter Blues
This winter has been especially difficult. With the weather and the dreaded “C” word, we have a cocktail for some real hard times. And that 100% includes myself.
A few weeks back, it was getting rough. The sun hadn’t been out in days, the temperatures continued to drop below -35, I had minimal energy despite not doing much.. It was not a good headspace.
But then, I came across this reading;

It was quiet the “a- hah” moment. Like everything finally made sense.
After realizing and accepting everything I had been feeling, I made a promise to myself to do better. However small the steps, I was not going to give up.
That very day, I started small and started journaling again. I wrote out all my feelings, my goals, the places I wanted to see and the things I wanted to accomplish for the month.
It was a solid 4 weeks of pushing myself, getting creative and really diving into things that make my soul happy. I realized, we cant control the weather but we sure can control our minds with practice.
Through all the mental and physical changes, I’ve come up with a few ways for you to kick the winter blues with me!
So without further ado, here are my top tips to curing the winter blues:

I can not stress this enough. Getting your feelings out, venting, writing down goals, wishes, desires, these are all positive places to put your mind. Yes, even the venting part. It’s extremely heavy to carry around all those bad feelings and thoughts everyday. Journaling gives you a safe space to spew it all. To get it off your chest, your heart and your mind. Allow it to help you heal and move you forward towards your goals.

Okay hear me out, I know meditating can feel foreign and pointless. But trust me, with practice and patience, meditation will change everything. Not only does it increase imagination, creativity, tolerance and patience, it also reduces negative emotions and helps you focus on the present. If you’re in a hard place, I encourage you to work this into your morning routine. It only takes a few minutes! Start with one of my favorite, 6 minute, meditation sessions ↠ Click here
Read a book

Make some tea, light a candle and start a new book. But not the ones you usually go for.. I encourage you to step out of your norm and shake it up a bit! You never know, switching up your reading material may inspire you to step out of your comfort zones in other areas of your life.
Keep a schedule

With many of us working from home, without work right now or being a stay at home mom or wife, keeping a schedule is key. Going to bed at a decent time, waking up with purpose, fulfilling those to-do lists, will help you stay accountable and make you feel accomplished. I’ve supplied a free weekly journal entry to get you started! Click Here
Clean & Organize

I don’t know about you, but I know I feel a million times better when I have a clean and organized home. Of course theres no need to accomplish all this in a day. Spread it out into a few days or even weeks. One week focus on the bathrooms, next, the bedrooms and so on. Little by little you’ll have all your spring cleaning done!

As you are cleaning/organizing, don’t forget to PURGE. Getting rid of clutter and materials that no longer serve a purpose (or bring you joy) will make you feel more free. A lot of people are in need right now, donate to organizations that help those that need it most.
Take a drive

Warm up the car 10 minutes before getting in so it’s nice and cozy. While its warming up make a playlist of your all time favorite songs. Now hop in the car and go for a drive! Even if you’re not going anywhere, just go. Check out the cute little houses or an area you’ve never been before. Jamming out and taking 20 minutes for yourself can work wonders!
*Make sure you’re aware of the road and weather conditions*
Pick up a new hobby

For me, blogging has been extremely helpful. Its given me something to look forward to, keeps me creating and helps my mind stay busy. If blogging isn’t your thing, don’t worry! I have a few suggestions : cooking, painting, skiing/snowboarding, dance, woodwork, pottery, learn a new language, get into fitness or start an indoor herb garden. Just remember, the sky’s the limit here!
Projects / DIY

Tired of looking at those dark brown cabinets? Paint them! Being stuck inside gives us plenty of time to tackle those projects we’ve been avoiding or maybe haven’t had time for. It’s also the perfect time to try a new DIY project, or reinvent an old furniture piece!
Learn to cook

As mentioned before, this is a great new hobby to start! Even if you’re an amazing cook already (you lucky duck), you can always attempt something completely new. Try a fun new breakfast, dinner or dessert. Tap into your creative side and go for it!
Move your body

This can be as simple as going for a walk. Getting fresh air is a necessity to surviving long winters. We need it and we crave it, even if we don’t notice it. If you want to go further with this, try out a new workout routine, give yoga a try, or even jump-roping. Anything to get you moving and releasing those endorphins!
Do something new with your kids or pets

We have had a ball with our new pup, Kallie! (pun intended🙃) Along with her regular training, we’ve been teaching her how to catch the ball. Now, she’s a ball catching PRO! We don’t have any kids yet, but I imagine there’s something new to try. Maybe a new puzzle, science experiment, card tricks, or even baking together are few suggestions!
Plan a trip

Okay, so, we’ve been in lockdown for like, a million years now, but that doesn’t mean we’ll be stuck here forever. Planning a trip gives us something to look forward to. And luckily, right now, everything is a little cheaper! Sit down with the family or a group of friends and put some ideas together. Plan it 5 to 6 months in advance and make sure they have a free cancelation policy – just in case.
I truly hope this gives you a few new ideas and motivates you to kick those winter blues to the curb! Remember, progressing at a slow pace is still progress, and slow progress is better than no progress.
And to always, always, be kind and patient with yourself.
You’ve got this!
Our hearts truly go out to those experiencing this severe wether that is resulting in loss of power, water & lives. We send you our warmest love and prayers to all those effected.

Megan Ulrich
Love this Jodie ❤️❤️❤️ Something I really needed after this week we’ve been through 😅 keeping my hands busy helps. I love cross stitching and it’s such an easy hobby to learn/pick up
Oh I love that! Ive been wanting to get into macrame here lately, keeping busy really is the best thing to do!
I love this! You had so many great ideas! Growing up in NY I remember how brutal the winters can be and it really was just depressing at times. It’s so important to keep yourself motivated and these ideas are spot on!
😭Thank you so much jen, seriously! I remember the one and only winter I spent in NY was brutal.. So happy this could bring some insight to those that need it!
I loved reading this Jodie! Such good advice! I need to start some of the things listed. Journaling, being more active, set schedules. This week of snow had me in the dumps! For real. But the sun is finally shining today! So thankful for that. 🖤
Not having the sun totally messes with us! Im working on being more active and so far its the biggest improvement for my overall happiness! I really hope these help you too love!❤️
Jodie, I really resonated with journaling and finding a hobby! I find when I put my thoughts on paper, I’m able to think more clearly! Sometimes we just have so much dull time and need a push in the right direction, right?! Thanks so much for sharing about this topic so many go through! <3
I couldn’t agree more Laura! Sometimes we have to just get things off our chest to keep going! Im so glad you enjoyed this sis! Thanks for reading!❤️
Gaby Ela
So many great ideas girl!!! For me moving and doing things with the kids keep me going!! Projects too but with my ADHD I start and never finish lol!!!
🤣Im the same way with every macrame project I start, its like it gets too hard and im lost lol working out has really been helping me too!
Jodie, these are such great tips! This has been such a hard winter. Here’s to hoping summer comes soon 💜
These are amazing tips! Winter is not my favorite. Before we moved into our RV, we worked puzzles together as a family. I had to tell myself that it was ok to slow down.
Thank you so much Sarah! Sometimes allowing ourselves to slow down is all we need, its good to reset and enjoy the downtime as much as possible❤️
The struggle is real in those long Minnesota winter months. I experienced it firsthand living in Minnesota for over 30 years. Great suggestions you have!
Keeping yourself busy and motivated is a must. Hobbies are what helped me get through the brutal winters. If we weren’t snowmobiling, ice fishing or snowshoeing (as long as there was snow), then I was in my “happy place”. My “Happy Place” was my craft room where I would crank on the tunesc and just let my creative juices flow working on my scrapbooks, making hand-made cards or craft decor. I still continue to do these hobbies while living in an RV full-time (minus the special room).
I don’t know why but loud music is always good for the soul isn’t it! Sounds like you had these winters down! I don’t think I could last as long, but then again I’ve never been too good about the cold to begin with 😅 Im so happy to hear your hobbies carried on, now you have both happy places every where you go 😍
Love all of these and I truly didn’t know about winter blues until our snowstorm in Texas last week! I can absolutely understand now!
Its the worst right! We haven’t experienced a hard winter in YEARS so this was quite the experience 😅 so glad y’all were okay through those storms! ❤️